Saturday, January 31, 2009


Just received an email this week that said, "It's almost spring in Canada!"


Snow is an amazing and complex entity! It comes falling silently, millions upon millions, each flake perfect and distinct. Consider its many faces. It may lie deep and drifting, crunch under the weight of our boots on cold winter nights, or deceive us as we try to make our way over its hardened, glass like surface until it is gathered up into the clouds. The first winter we had sheep, one wintery morning I was startled to see one of my spring lambs stumbling to walk. I was even more startled that a second lamb began to stumble a few minutes later. "Now this was curious!" As I pondered this strange sight, wise shepherd that I am, s..l..o..w..l..y the problem became evident. Over night the snow had hardened into a crust that allowed the sheep to walk on top of it for a few steps until a hoof would sink beneath the crusty surface. The whole picture was rather amusing to see many sheep stumbling over the surface of the snow. Snow is very clever too.

After yesterday's snowfall followed by a night of cold winter winds, our driveway was drifted over by morning. My husband left in the morning with our truck, leaving us with a broken snow plough. We were snowed in.

My daughter who is one of the most determined young ladies I know (You might call it stubbornness.), decided that she was going to drive through the drifts, regardless. With all the resolve in the world, she was not going to go through those drifts that lay taller than the bottom of her car, given the laws of force and motion. We cannot achieve the supernatural (things of God) by the natural ways of this world no matter how determined we are. It just doesn't work that way. So, about a third of the way down a very long driveway, she embedded her car into one giant drift.

Without a tractor, it was time to get out the hockey sticks, fence posts, shovels and anything I could find to poke through the snow lodged under the car which was also sitting between two drifts. She had pushed so much snow under the car that the wheels were not going anywhere. After poking, digging and smiling for thirty minutes, I gave up and called the big guns in. My wonderful kind neighbours came with their heavy duty snow plough and their strong muscles and my little determined daughter rolled on finally after learning yet another life lesson, I hope.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Loved the deer pic, Pam! That stubborness in your daughter is also present in mine :) Right on about our mindless pursuit of the spiritual in our own fleshy ways-it cannot be done. - Cheryl